Looking for a super easy style for 2/3 day old hair? Read on, my friend!!
So.. as always I like to start with an awful 'Before' so you see my starting point.
1. As my hair is 3 days old (ew.. I know but sometimes with hair as long and as thick as mine it's such a task that I really would rather put it up and still look pretty, than spend 2 hours washing and drying it each day!!!) I love to use this Batiste dry shampoo as it smells lovely and really takes that 'greasy' look away.
TIP: Don't just spray the dry shampoo over the top of the hair as it will just look a dull off colour and won't really look any better. Make sure you spray it under some layers of your hair and also throw your head over and spray underneath. As this is an 'up' do, it is important to make sure that all the hair looks fresh.
2. Getting your bun in the right place is really important. The best way to get all the hair together when it is as long and as thick as mine is to throw your head over and collect it in a high ponytail on the crown of your head. Adjust the position before you secure it with an elastic.
TIP: A good guide to where to position your bun is to follow your cheekbones with your finger until they meet on the top of your head. This is where your ponytail should go (and this will be where your bun ends up as well).
3. Next is the fun part. Grab a backcombing brush like my Head Jog 50 one I have here. Section your ponytail into small sections and backcomb each part from the base to the tip. Secure each section with hairspray. The more you backcomb the larger your bun will be, although I find that 4 or 5 strokes is usually enough to create a full effect.

4. Here is a crazy photo of my hair after the backcombing!
5. Split the hair in 2. As it has been backcombed and secured with hairspray, you should find it will stay put with you split it in two.
6. Wrap the two sections around each other creating the basic shape of your bun. Don't worry if it looks a little too big at this point. By the time you have secured it with pins it will shrink a little. Try and tuck the ends underneath so they don't stick out too much.
7. Secure the bun with hair pins, using as many as you need for the bun to feel secure on the top of your head. Spray with a little more hairspray and.......... You're done!!
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